Tempat: Laman Budaya Wisma MBSA
Attendance: Ramai jugak r (35ish kot)
Organizer: Hanim & Mat Jie
Hepi besday juga kpd Mat Jie. Dapat 2 kek tuuu..

Gambor smua attendees ade kt Picasa WebAlbum guwe.
U can download the whole album there.Sila2 lar uploadkn ke facebook/frendster yer sbb saya ni malas.
We had a short meeting berkaitan reunion MRSM KT 2009.
Updates: Tentative program seperti dibawah telah dihantar oleh Setiausaha kepada MRSM KT. Kini menunggu approval dr MRSM selepas Hari Raya.
*Note: Tentative ni utk rujukan Maktab. Basic flow of the reunion spt dibawah. Details of each xtvt belum di lock down dan committee menerima sebarang cadangan to make the xtvts more fun.
1999 - 2009 A DECADE OF… |
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FRIDAY | 3rd APRIL 2009 |
3.30 pm | Career talk |
7.00 pm | Dinner at DS |
7.30 pm | Magrib at MRSM KT mosque, tahlil dan bacaan Yaa Sin untuk cikgu
dan rakan-rakan yang sudah tiada |
9.00 pm | Pelancaran Sireh Pulang ke Gagang di Dewan Ibn Sinna |
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SATURDAY | 4th APRIL 2009 |
8.30 am | Sports |
12 noon | Lunch at DS with the students |
1.00 pm | Break for Zohor, freshing up |
3.30 pm | Performance by Alumni members and also current MRSM KT students |
6.30 pm | Back to hotel to get ready for dinner |
8.30 pm | Dinner / barbecue - to be determined |
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SUNDAY | 5th APRIL 2009 |
8.00 am | Breakfast at the beach beramai-ramai |
12 noon | Checkout dan acara bebas sebelum balik |
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